Sunday, March 22, 2020

Brain-picking and brain-storming science on coping with the COVID-19 virus and pandemic

Brain-picking and brain-storming science on coping with the COVID-19 virus and pandemic. Routinely updated. Has click-on audio link to Nobel MD's interview on COVID-19.

In paraphrase of a Nobel laureate MD-epidemiologist, Devra Davis, of the Environmental Health Trust, lecturing on KPFA radio, during the second segment of the Flash Points program, on this subject on 03-18-2020, hyperlink at Zinc nutritional supplements [preferably capsules or lozenges (30 or 50 milligrams of zinc per unit, being a capsule, pill, etc., in my speculation)], reputed antivirals and immune-system boosters, ingested while reclined or at bedtime, might aid the body in preventing or fighting a COVID-19 infection, a rhino-respiratory system attack-virus -- an aid; not a cure. Dr. Devra Davis, MD, also cites an apparently verified anecdotal account of a near-death COVID-19-stricken hospital patient who made a full health recovery after medically being administered massive doses of medically controversial and therapeutically dubious vitamin C*, which the patient and her family implored be administered to her as a last-resort try to save her life. Health risk factors, such as preexisting heart, respiratory or lung, diabetic, smoking, unsanitary, unhygienic or toxic behavior or environments, or refractory psychological depression issues, make the affected persons most vulnerable to the ravages of COVID-19 regardless of age or the potential mitigating effects of intervention therapies.

(She made an error in fully naming COVID-19's loose, less potent respiratory-infection-virus-relative SARS, whose correct name is "Severe Acute Respiratory [System Sickness] Syndrome" and not South Asian Respiratory Syndrome. All humans make errors, even humanity's preeminent genius Albert Einstein, and so do the best of machines. I often make dyslexic-related and wrong-recall writing errors.)

Considerations of mine, a non-medical person: Wrapping/bundling cannabis leaf in facial tissue, that is secured as closed with Scotch tape. similar tape, or one or more rubber bands, and regularly nasally or orally deeply inhaling from it and then exhaling may be therapeutic for the respiratory system in preventing the COVID-19 virus from shutting down the lungs and respiratory system that thereby causes death for a so susceptible COVID-19 infected person. Vapo rub regularly rubbed into the throat area and chest areas over the lungs as well as so coating the nostrils of the nose with vapo-rub covered cotton balls, coinciding with the initial or early appearance of COVID-19, or cold or flu, symptoms, may be as beneficial or more beneficial. Ideally, if advisable by one's personal physician, one might do all three. Consult your personal physician on the wisdom and advisability on doing these three things or any one of them to contend with the COVID-19 pandemic or one's personal symptoms of it.

It is normally safe and helpful to do daily light physical and mental exercise, even if only to take a stroll or rhythmically move or dance to music or exercise while lying down or in bed or while sitting in a chair, to visit the garden, a park or other green space and deep breathing there in the midst of plants, to drink a hot or cold cup of organic green tea or pure organic juices with their pulp (not reconstituted juice and not with any additives of any kind, including vitamins, etc), to eat meals with lots of [cooked] fresh vegetables and a fresh, raw fruit with each meal, to adequately toilet and blow (cleanout) one's nose and get at least 7 hours of sleep daily, as well as practice good daily oral and general bodily hygiene and good home and public sanitation.

If one is seriously stricken by COVID-19 and has impaired breathing, in addition to doing all of the foregoing if approved by an appropriate medical doctor, MD, one might also nevertheless cough out and spit out vigorously as frequently and much as one feels necessary obstructive and discomforting mucous and/or blood, etc., build-up in one’s respiratory tract or system -- and at a minimum water-splash the sink clean with liquid hand soap after each cough-spitting bout.

*There have been medical efficacy studies done on vitamin C that discrepantly have found it to be medically beneficial and to have no medical effect, positive or negative, with the latter reportedly having been the consistent finding in most recent such studies. The indicated consensus of all of these studies is that medically acceptable significant doses of vitamin C could have at least a positive effect for treating some people stricken by a flu, cold or related respiratory sickness (a clinically commonly believed "placebo effect," which is a therapeutic effect based on a [positively motivated or determined] state of mind or emotions influencing bodily functionality) but not an adverse treatment effect, meaning it would not worsen such an ill-health condition. A placebo effect is the opposite of a psychosomatic ill-health condition. A placebo effect is a positive psychogenic effect improving the functionality of the body whereas a psychosomatic condition or effect is a negative psychogenic effect impairing the functionality of the body, in which each type of effect auto-hypnotically mobilizes the body's biological machinery respectively toward improved versus degraded psycho-physical functioning. However, the recent no-significant-effect findings of discrepant findings among the whole of these vitamin C studies could be by-chance streak-outcomes, or by-chance streak-findings, resulting from certain blood-types subjects in both the experimental and control groups test-compared having not been screened for or systematically pre-identified in any of the studies (thus not permitting them, the different blood type subgroups, to be examined as diagnostic-study subgroups within the main vitamin C study). This potential experimental study oversight or shortcoming, or both, may by chance have been associated with a particular blood subgroup of subjects having overwhelmingly dominated both comparison groups in the recent medical efficacy studies on vitamin C, in which case it could be that people of certain significantly underrepresented blood types in the studies may really scientifically, directly biologically, benefit from particular therapeutically optimal doses of vitamin C, apart from being amenable or susceptible to a psychogenic, auto-hypnotic placebo effect. By the way, it is questionable that the placebo effect can be a delusional effect or a delusion if it has a real and enduring or permanent ameliorative or curative effect on actual bodily sickness or ill-health.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Proposition[Proposing] that Energy-Event Action-Reaction Cause-and-Effect Dynamics Fueled, Initiated (Engendered) and Powered the Cosmogenic Big-Bang Event of Our Universe, Ostensibly an Actional Energy Event

Upon awaking from a long, deep sleep (18.5 hours), the morning of Monday, 01-13-2020, in which I had numerous ridiculous dreams, I had a cosmological insight approaching a solution, to my thinking, to the debate among physicists as to whether or not the big-bang origin of the universe -- a scientific fact, as opposed to a theory, affirmed by the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB), also known as the fossil-light afterglow redshift of the big-bang (explosion, combustion, eruption, blast, inflation, burgeoning...) emergence of the (our) universe, as well as by the telescopically-observed ever-expanding space overall between the galaxies and size of the universe -- theoretically occurred spontaneously on its own from nothing, a theory supposedly supported by the mathematics of the singularity space-time-mass state of the big bang and black holes and the black-wall cosmological horizon of the big bang, ruling out the presence of action-reaction cause-and-effect dynamics. My insight was in the question: Was the big bang an action, was it actional? And my answer was yes, with certainty, the "big-bang origin (or 'inception')" of our universe, as a process [of nature], from its fundamental state of being a space-time-mass singularity had to be actional and action. It was an energy-driven actional, action event, in which action (any dynamism, such as motion, movement, activity, vibration, friction, force, thrust, tension, inward or outward pressure, etc.) is intrinsically a characteristic of and integral to energy (as well as to dynamical time, where time is the from-to ongoing state of existence, or state of being, of something or somethingness and its rate/speed and length of duration ((also subsuming change, progression, increase, decrease, entropy, transit and transpiration)), which may be finite, indefinite or infinite) and energy is intrinsically actional and an action event. (Dynamical time = distance or length divided by the rate/speed of transit or transpiration, or an equivalent of the latter, wherein the structures of time are its stasis-versus-dynamical state, its object or event rate or speed of transit or transpiration across distance, and ultimately its length or duration.)  So action necessarily had to be and deductively one can rationally conclude that it therefore was present from the very beginning for the emergence of our universe. Thus, there had to be a proportional action-reaction cause-and-effect fuel and trigger to power the big bang and its ultimate output and expression, and the singularity (a virtually infinitely dense and intense ((compressed and pressurized)) infinitesimal or extremely small, compact mass) had to be somewhere, in an environment, a context, a greater space-time.  In this state of affairs, the cosmogenic big-bang evolutionary event of the (our) universe was the apparent subsequent actional event (the reaction action) and the actional energy-fuel source for the production of the cosmogenic big-bang event was its apparent antecedent initiating actional event (the causal action for the reaction action).

I have always been of the mind that the big-bang origin of our universe required a context for the presence of its singularity, and a powering fuel (really physicist's Brian Greene's explication), trigger and proportional action-reaction cause-and-effect dynamics for its production. Maybe the mathematics of our species' ruling out cause-and-effect at work as the impetus for the big-bang origin of our universe are insufficient and maybe more advanced mathematics may affirm and explain cause-and-effect for singularities. (By the way, fundamentally what are black holes and their singularities? They are extreme, pure gravity-energy regions and wells of space-time that consume all energy and matter that fall into them or that they capture and they compress and convert that other energy and matter into the pure gravity that constitutes them.  Gravity and antigravity, or theoretical gravitons and antigravitons, may be bosonic, and the singularities of black holes, which may, as supermassive black holes, contain the energy mass of hundreds of billions of stars or star systems, as measured by the mass of our star the sun, and the singularity of the cosmogenic big-bang actional energy-event may have been of an extreme gravitational nature, like that of black holes, or a such gravitational inversion, or both.)  It may be that our universe is a bubble space-time-mass universe within a greater universe, according to this cosmogenic initiating-action insight and cosmological viewpoint.

Parallel universe and multiverse ideas and conceptualizations from which our universe may have been produced are widely held and tendered propositions among physicists but are critiqued as empirically untestable and unanswerable, unprovable, as either true or false.

The totality of my argument is encapsulated in the empirical logic (deduction) that the origin or nature of the origin of the cosmogenic big bang was, 1., without a doubt and unarguably an action and actional, a crucial element of cause-and-effect dynamics and, 2., that reaction in itself is action, but an opposite action ensuing from a precipitating or impactful action or an interaction, 3., thus both initiating action, or input/impactful action, and precipitated action, or output action (reaction) are basically and inescapably the same thing, action or actions, 4., meaning that [proportional] action-reaction cause-and-effect energy or fuel energy (at a minimum) powering dynamics had to be operative for and at the beginning and all stages of the singularity of and in the cosmogenic big-bang of our universe, despite any mathematics forbidding this. Furthermore, given this deductively actional necessary process and scenario of the cosmogenic big bang, the singularity, necessary fuel energy and trigger for that action and cause-in-effect dynamics had to have a context, an environment, a space-time host.

However, in deference to the mathematics said by celebrity theoretical string physicist Michio Kaku to reflect that cause and effect breakdown and are precluded at the singularities of black holes and the big bang, it may be that the concerned mathematics apply to and negate discrete individual actions within a sequence of multiple actions (such as action, reaction, interaction) rather than apply to and negate action or seeming pure action itself, which for the initiation of the cosmogenic big bang may have been in structure and behavior a bosonic action and reaction (or interaction), in which a boson is a quantum particle that can occupy simultaneously the same space-time as another boson: a physically, in space-time, maximally intimate form of quantum entanglement. The quantum-entanglement of the union and [interactive] synergy or disunion of these two actions, proactive action and reaction action, might deceptively be identified mistakenly by quantitative physicists and cosmologists, or theoretical cosmological physicists, as only, or solely, one action, either a cosmogenic proactive action or cosmogenic reactive action instead of structurally as a unitary simultaneity in space-time of both proactive action and reactive action.  (Incidentally, our astronomy and physics have established that the fundamental generic material of our universe that produces and constitutes all of its phenomena is dark energy ((circa 71.4% of the mass of our universe)), dark matter ((circa 24% of the mass of our universe)) and baryonic matter ((circa 4.6% of the mass of the universe, also called luminous matter)) but make no reference to the possible counterpart of dark energy, which would be luminous energy.  Could hypothetically missing luminous energy be bosonically entangled with dark energy?)  Pointedly, this means that mathematics and evidentiary cosmological theory indicating that the big-bang inception of our universe ensued from a single, autonomous causal action novel to and inconsistent with the otherwise energy-matter action-reaction cause-and-effect determinism universal to and within the state of our macro-universe may just as well as have been determined by (been a determinism of} an energy-event action-reaction unitary simultaneity of two bosonic actions, or multiples of these, occupying and entangled in the same space-time, action-reaction cause-and-effect dynamics that are consistent with natural and universal macro-universe-state cause-and-effect determinism and even the statistical probability dynamics and outcomes of quantum-particle mechanics.  Multiplex-state bosons may explain some weird quantum-particle behavior, such as superposition behavior in which a quantum particle can spin left and right, or up and down, or all, simultaneously.