Saturday, April 4, 2015
The Evidence Mounts for The Presence of ETs, Technologically Advanced Extraterrestrial Intelligence?
The telling indicator of an artificial construction and source for the interstellar radio pulse signals (streaming fast radio-signal bursts, FRBs, or pulsing) or radio-signal emissions reported by astrophysical scientists in the Huffington Post on 04-02-2012,, is that each pulse is spaced by a multiple of the number 187.5, presumably a linearly progressive multiple of the number 187.5 in seconds in mathematically translated human time measurement, as the article is not clear as to what the 187.5 specifically refers. Even if the "length" of each pulse is such a multiple of 187.5 seconds in translated human measurement, that linearly progressive increase in pulse length would most probably be produced by a technological source of ultimately advanced engineering intelligence. Astro-scientists referred to in this article and others whose comments I have read in other articles on this same subject of astronomic FRBs (mathematically structured fast radio bursts from outer space) are of the consensus probability judgment that the odds are very low that these FRBs are astrophysically natural (odds of 5 in 10,000 that the FRBs are natural) -- they propose that if the FRBs are not of natural astrophysical origin that either ETs or humans, despite the apparent indicated extremely far-off distance of the FRBs, may be their source, perhaps deceptively so with regard to the distance of the FRBs' apparent origin. SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute) reports that these FRBs are not a one-time occurrence but have occurred, to the detection of human radio astronomy, on 10 or 11 occasions dating from 2001, including to the recent present time, so they are no fluke or detection error. Since this number of 187.5 resembles an abbreviation of the number representing the speed of light (the speed at which light travels) counted in human miles per second, being 186,282 miles per second (with the abbreviation 186.25) by mathematically educated humans using the mile unit for measuring geographical distance or length in travel, it plausibly may imply that its technically intelligent source's basic whole unit of time corresponding to a human second is larger than a human second in which light travels 187, 500 miles (or ET miles computed in its analog of a human mile) per its second, wherein 187.5 means one ET second (or one ET light-year-component travel second), 2 x 187.5 means two ET seconds, 3 x 187.5 means three ET seconds, ad infinitum, giving the recipient a running (ongoing) accounting in time as to the time of initiation of the transmission or ongoing, current transmission. The transmission in this context may also refer to the changing and increasing travel distance of the ET signal source since the initiation of the transmission, per FRB transmission occurrence. Moreover, this manner of astro-radio signal transmissions might also provision sufficiently capable newly contacted astro-technology and technologically intelligent radio-signal recipients to calculate rather accurately the distance, in lights years away, of the transmitting source of the radio-burst/wave signal stream, and maybe its approximate location, especially if the signal recipient's astro-communications technology (like a radio-signal telescope) were computerized, or equipped with a computational computer. Vice versa, a reply by the recipient of the astro-radio signal to its sender might allow the replied-to initial sender, quite possibly powerful quantum-computer artificial intelligence able to deliver to and receive from recipients instantaneous astro-communications of any kind, to calculate rather accurately the distance, and maybe even so the location, of the replying respondent. If the signal transmission source is machinery tracking the distance and location of spacecraft or space-flight technology traveling at the speed of light , the civilization that produced it and them would be a technologically super smart civilization, technologically tremendously smarter (on a much higher level of comprehension, thought, reasoning, learning, knowledge, creativity, ingenuity, technical education, science, intellectual-mental power) than the best in raw ability and best educated and trained brain power of our human species. However, in a mathematically educated human's literal astro-mathematical application of the rounded-down number 186.25 either the number 186 (maximally rounded off) or 186.25 (minimally rounded off) or 186.282 (unrounded off but if legitimately in math rounded to the nearest .5 place would round to 186,5 rather than 186.00, where the latter is used only because it is easiest to remember and recall), when not used as an abbreviation for the speed of light computed in miles it travels per second but when used in reference to and as a constituent of the speed of light within a human second, being 186,282 miles per second, any of one of these numbers would refer to and represent either the approximate or the actual number of miles light travels in a millisecond (light travel in one-thousandth of a second), or the speed of light in a millisecond; thus, perhaps the ET number 187.5 may or may not have a corresponding literal astro-mathematical application, which in the affirmative case would permit highly accurate calculations of the distances, and maybe particular locations, of each the initial sender of the astro-radio signal and its recipient-respondent replying to it (caveat emptor: the 187.5, if a deliberated number, cautionarily, on the part of the source of the FRBs, may contain a deliberate fudge-factor margin, to conceal its precisely knowable distance from the recipient of, potential respondent to, the FRB signal). It may be a matter of good-luck coincidence that its basic whole unit of time (analog to the human second) and measure of geographical distance or length (analog to the USA human mile, educationally inherited by colonial New England, the founding territory of the USA, from the British Royal-Imperial standards of weights and measures during the era when Great Britain, which initiated and ushered in the industrial revolution in the mid-1700s, was a global military, political and economic colonial-power, but a unit of measure and set of weights and measures standards replaced in recent decades by Britain, for itself, with the European metric standards of weights and measures) resemble or approximate those used in the USA or it may observe that the USA is the Earth's world-dominant political and military national human power. But on second, cautious, thought the apparent coincidence may as a matter of reality be an informed and strategically intended or simply intentionally astute maneuver for establishing intergalactic-interstellar astro-radio-signal communications. Alternatively, these transmissions may have nothing to do with signaling or messaging exospecies alien to the ET disseminators of the transmissions, such as us Earthlings, but may be spacecraft-related or interplanetary or interstellar transponder-like or radio-wave telecommunications transmissions exchanged between or among members of a same technologically advanced ET species or communal colonies of affiliated but variously different technologically advanced ET species that may be inadvertently eavesdrop intercepted by or available to other adequately and technically intelligent and advanced exospecies, such as the human species in significant part has become as of the just passed 20th century. If the signals are meant for neophyte advanced technological exospecies civilizations relative to the technologically super advanced civilization/s of the super-smart ET species disseminators of the radio pulse signals (FRBs), it may be that only a technologically super advanced civilization may be capable of effectively interstellarly, and beyond, contacting neophyte technologically advanced civilizations, with neophyte astro-communications technology (radio waves or radio signal bursts), using super powerful, condescending, radio signaling far more advanced and powerful than the radio astro-communications technology of which neophyte-phase advanced technology civilizations are capable, not being the conventional super-smart, super-advanced state-of-the-arts astro-communications technology attainment of that technologically super advanced ET civilization and peer, other ET civilizations. Their signals may be able to defeat and override jamming technology of interstellar or interplanetary astro-communications employed by nearby or local mystery ET or terrestrial human powers, blacking out such astro-communications of different, technologically weaker or less-achieved others for whatever or unknown reasons, among which may be surreptitious intelligent species or political-military competition and the motive for them to endeavor to monopolize contact with super advanced ETs for the scientific and technological knowledge, and thereby consequential advantaged or supreme local political-military power, benefits obtainable from such contacts for them -- perhaps in a sense exercising their local technological superiority to quarantine future potential rival or threat technologically intelligent and developing alien species or populations from knowledge of and radio-signal contact and such astro-communications with far-off, advancement-enabling technologically super-smart and achieved ETs, possibly, basically benign and friendly, yet invincible. The latter possibility may explain the heretofore prevailing Fermi Paradox experience for our astrophysical community (being the absence of celestial radio-signal evidence of technologically intelligent and achieved ETs in contradiction to the stupendously overwhelming odds of the probability for pervasive such ETs in our galaxy, The Milky Way, alone), which may dissipate with our arrival as a technologically and astronomically neophyte advanced civilization. We may be witnessing artificial radio signals produced by a Freeman Dyson-defined type-III ET-civilization-species, as the FRBs have the identifying markers of originating in and coming from another galaxy, identifying them as of apparent far-off extragalactic origin (however, the low level of gunk, or contamination, on the FRBs suggests that they come from within our galaxy or comparatively nearby). If technologically intelligent ETs and/or their computer artificial intelligence are the source of the FRBs it is mandatorially incumbent upon our species to determine rigorously the risks posed to our planet and species in our establishing or maintaining astro-communications with the ETs as well as perhaps the necessity and benefits of such communications. It appears that they, a far more advanced species and civilization than our species and our most advanced societies, are making a strenuous and persistent effort in attempting to make confirmed contact with us over an urgent concern they have for us. However, a mistaken assessment, judgment and contact strategy with such ETs on our part could result in merciless, insufferable, inescapable egalitarian slavery of our species on our own planet to the time of extinction of our species or the demise of our planet, worse than all of the terrible deeds and horrors perpetrated by segments of our species on one another and many other species and the environment in all of rapacious, exploitative and savage and barbarous human history.
In a different article on the same subject the scientist most skeptical and dismissive of an unnatural or ET source for the FRBs insisted that eventually science would determine that they were/are produced by a superdense pulsar star, although her peers considered this but stated that no pulsar star has ever been observed to emit FRBs with a mathematically regular pattern (also these FRBs have occurred periodically since 2001 with the most recent having occurred in 2014, with their source remaining inexplicable to date), or are/were produced by an orbiting satellite, maybe orbiting spy satellite, although all the scientists agreed that the energy needed to produce the detected FRBs would require all of the energy that our sun emits in a month. She argued further that since the FRBs were broadband and would require three stars of our sun type to produce the observed bandwidth of the FRBs in the short-burst time frame for which they last, no ETs could muster the energy of three stars or that much energy. On the contrary, a type-III ET civilization is one that hypothetically can harness or control the energy of multiple stars or numerous stars or those of an entire galaxy (hundreds of billions of stars -- to my mind this latter postulation is a gigantic, preposterous leap of sci-fi imagination), from which its super-genius-IQ artificial-intelligence population of permanently self upgrading, improving, adapting and evolving autonomous mission-dedicated robo-computer workers could easily harness and purposefully deploy the energy, where and to the extent needed or wanted, from not just several stars but from potentially tens of thousands of stars in their galaxy, simultaneously and continuously. A type-III ET civilization is one that has galactic-level star-energy and technological-industrial power. A type-III civilization with such power might cast a broadband astro-communications signal and contact "net" across multiple galaxies for its AI (artificial intelligence) systems and networks to interactively contact, and/or observe and study, as well as inventory, map and fully profile all possible solar systems and their associated planets and moons with technologically intelligent exospecies within its intergalactic signaling reach -- to develop for itself an omniscient GOOGLE galactic or multigalactic infinite-data-capacity computer-cloud map and GPS and big-data reference database, where its IA would have no attention, comprehension, memory, learning, reading, mathematical, behavioral or work problems nor need to sleep, eat, excrete, etc., that could preclude or encumber such an undertaking. It may even detect very many of the latter existing caste of species from analyzing the insitu atmospheric chemistry and electronic or radio-wave broadcast signals of their planets and moons, perhaps actually observing and recording, as well as via IA-systems intellectualize their electronic media broadcasts, and attempt to astro-signal contact them specifically and directly, repetitively, or intermittently (allowing for sufficient technological progress to comprehend and respond), if necessary, with automatic-automated or robo-call transmissions. Hypothetically, there may be multiple type-III civilizations in a given galaxy and any given type-III civilization may have branches, outposts and/or partners in its own home galaxy, or in another or other galaxies, with most of the stars and the stars' planetary systems uncolonized by a or multiple type-III civilizations. Even if type-III civilizations are not in reality possible because of the forbidding, prohibitively vast interstellar space separating star-planetary systems, or celestial solar system, the constraints of quite limited biological and mechanical lifespans and cosmic nature's barrier on travel in excess of the speed of-light speed limit of the universe (fractional or absolute on the part of any flight vehicle), still there are indeed binary and multiple-star celestial solar systems within galaxies whose combined energy could be harnessed and controlled by a quasi-type-III technologically intelligent, advanced species civilization native to this special type of celestial solar system.
While type-I and type-II celestial societies are probable, the hypothetical type-III such societies are, as a practical matter, most improbable if not impossible inasmuch as survivable interstellar space travel -- given that the lifespans of the terrestrial animal species of our planet, apart from tortoises and some few species of birds, is less than 150 years, for the most part, at the extreme for any individual animal, including humans; given the multiple light years and thus that vast light-year-based miles separating star-planetary systems (interstellar space) are entailed in such travel (requiring a lifespan for an individual of perhaps of circa 100,000 years or many more traveling at the fastest speed of our or perhaps most any other technological-intelligent spacefaring species' spacecraft-spaceflight know-how [e.g., to get to the star-planetary system closes to our solar system, Alpha Centauri, 4.22 light years (in which light travels a rounded-off down 670,000,000 mph) away would involve this formula 186, 282 mps x 60 sec. x 60 mi. x 24 hr. x 365/6 x 4.22 light years = X total mi./spacecraft mph = total human hours/24 hr = total human days/365-6 human year = total human years in travel time], that at most would be a significant but relatively small fraction of the speed of light, the speed limit of the fastest moving things in the universe, being quantum-particle light-spectrum phenomena (including radio waves); given the technical and logistical limitations on equipping a spacecraft or fleet of spacecraft with millennia-lasting creature life-support supplies and systems and hygiene, sanitation, medical, environmental, social and psychological supports, aids and controls required for travelers in cloistered spacecraft to accomplish this; and given the limitations on fueling, maintaining and repairing the spacecraft over this time scale of the interstellar flight, interstellar space travel and colonization -- is not feasible for any creatures except microbes and possibly GMO-population-controlled communal species of industrial ants, on board and able to operate aircraft-carrier x-1000 sized spacecraft traveling at 50,000,000 mph, made by a technologically intelligent species such as ours or more achieved, in which they would perpetuate themselves as species by successive generational reproduction over guessed millennia. Very large creatures able to hibernate, like bears, especially polar bears, and able to accumulate huge stores of nutrient fat on their bodies and able to hibernate and feed from that fat during that hibernation, for six months to a year, with hibernating conditions engineered into spacecraft, would likely be able to survive a trip to Mars and back (but would suffer serious health and mobility problems), and maybe to other celestial body destinations in our solar-planetary system, with major increases achieved in the speed of our spacecraft, but they would have zero chance, or less if there is such a mathematical thing, of surviving the crossing of the interstellar space separating our solar-planetary system from that of our neighbor Alpha Centauri, if their spacecraft could and did travel at the speed of light, 670,000,000 mph. So far the greatest cruising speed of a human spacecraft has been 38,000 mph, where if our species could boost that speed to 1,000,000 mph indeed it would likely take millennia if not an epoch or more for a human spacecraft to cross the interstellar space separating our solar-planetary system from the Alpha Centauri solar-planetary system, our closest star-system neighbor. There are additional obstacles to biological interstellar space travel, among them tissue damage from cosmic rays and bone loss from weightlessness in space, as well as, at extreme speeds, speed-related critical threshold harm to organisms and inorganic spacecraft materials as well as unavoidable mechanical wear and tear and time-related deterioration and varied malfunctions of any object, especially biological or mechanical, including robots. The only other ways survivable interstellar travel is possible is by the distance-nullifying instantaneous dynamics of subatomic quantum-mechanics' quantum entanglement phenomena or by manipulating space itself, which can travel faster than the speed of light and has no speed limitations. Also, in the unlikely circumstance that an ETI species were to have a day for its planet measuring hundreds of thousands of years in Earth time, and a year measuring tens of millions of years in Earth time, and a lifespan for its individuals commonly measuring hundreds of millions of years in our time, and it could healthily travel at the speed of light and were located perhaps 50 or less light years away from out solar-planetary system, it might easily be able to travel round trip from its solar-planetary system to our solar-planetary system and many others relatively nearby to its solar-planetary system and colonize or confederate with them, including our solar-planetary system, forming a star-cluster ETI community. Astro-communications between technologically intelligent and advanced species of different star-planetary systems may be primarily driven by curiosity, fascination, intellectual adventure and exploration (including interest in alien thought products, like vocal and written languages, philosophies, ideologies, religion and religious doctrine, writing and oral video lectures on Earth's human and natural history and world literature, etc.), science (including medicine) and technology exchange and cyber insight and trade in videos, audio-videos, TV and radio broadcasts, and images and holograms of virtual other-world life (wholly), landscapes, types of water bodies and water-scapes, major marine and geological events (tides, tidal waves and tsunamis, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, etc.), weather scenes and events (sunshine, rain, snow, hail, thunder and lightning storms, cyclones, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.), caves, topography and climatic terrains, sunrises and sunsets, day-evening-and-night sunny-overcast-inclement-starry-moon states of the sky, city and town scapes, buildings and vehicles, animals and plants, all variety of humans, culture and experience (like food images, exterior and interior, chemical composition of natural foods, recipes of prepared food, cooking and dining, music and dance, concerts and stage/screen shows, artwork of every kind (prehistoric, ancient and contemporary and in between), jewelry, fashion, cosmetics, sports, etc.) without physical contact between their species possible, unless any of such species is able to manipulate space itself or the dynamics of quantum entanglement, for instantaneously teleporting organisms. They may even seek to establish an interactive cosmic
(interplanetary, interstellar and intergalactic approximation of internet, cell-phone, instant-text-messaging, skype, etc.) cyber and telecommunications system with other physically inaccessible technologically intelligent, advanced species civilizations.
The results of a data analysis of NASA's WISE telescope's (Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer) scan study of the starlight of 1,000 galaxies by Penn State University reported in the news on 04-16-2015 ( found no evidence of extraordinary levels of overall energy in any of those 1,000 galaxies telescopically surveyed by WISE that would indicate a galaxy-wide colonization by an ETI supercivilization, although it did find that 50 of those galaxies showed overall energy levels that were significantly high compared to the others, warranting further study of them for the cause/s of their overall significantly higher energy levels. A subsequent article on the same data analysis reported that a star cluster at an edge of our own galaxy the Milky Way showed the exact or approximate summary energy and starlight characteristics expected for a type-III ETI civilization (on a star cluster scale, not on a larger scale of stars, such as for a galaxy, for the relatively minuscule sample of galaxies so far studied), perhaps suggesting that there may be enclaves of interstellar space that can be traversed by mortals, as perhaps between star-planetary systems of especially close dwarf-star/planetary systems within a star cluster or between a large star/planetary system or systems and atypically especially close dwarf-star/planetary systems or a cluster of such systems. Overall starlight on the scale of a galaxy is much easier to observe and study, given its size or volume, than the starlight of a star cluster or a given star-planetary system within a galaxy, which were not intentionally studied nor are currently subject to efficient or as reliable study, given the state of the art of our best planetary long-distance astronomy. Emphatically speaking, the data analysis did not fail to find evidence of either ETI life itself or star-planetary-system colonization by ETIs, would-be fine-tuned data for inclusion in the data analysis that the WISE telescope was not able to capture on the scale of a solar-planetary system or mere clusters of them. In addition, an article released by the Daily Galaxy on 04-26-2015 reports that starlight from non-galactic stars -- thought to be displaced from galaxies in the routine collisions and mergers of galaxies -- has been telescopically observed in the vast dark and cold space between (intergalactic) and far outside of galaxies suggesting that life and ETIs may reside within the star(-planetary) systems of these telescopically previously little noticed, largely overlooked and unstudied special celestial abodes and frontiers of stars and star clusters, non-galactic star-system population abodes that are highly likely celestially numerous and commonplace,
Based on all of what I have read of what the scientists and mathematicians handling this FRB issue have revealed about the FRBs and said about them in their commentaries, it is my surmise that the FRBs are of technological origin and that advanced biological intelligence, be it human or nonhuman, and possibly artificial intelligence the biological intelligence also created, was/were the creator/s of the technology that produced the FRBs. It is also my deduction from the available general information from these scientists and mathematicians and from my personal scrutiny and analysis of their factual information that the biological intelligence, or autonomous IA surrogate for the the biological intelligence, is/was operating on multiple levels of cleverness and is highly tactical, but that its savvy and tactics are not inscrutable, I suppose a Mensa-like science and technology institute in Russia or China with a virtually unlimited endowment of funds and access to unrestricted science-related material resources could perpetrate a ruse that could look like an aberrant, puzzling scientific grand mystery.
Upon reflection, I smile broadly with bright, widely opened eyes as I belatedly realize that the described high physics and engineering facility, elite IQ and scientifically educated community and team, abundant funding and scientific resources do exist on Earth, at CERN (European Center for Nuclear Research), Switzerland where this elite science community operates and conducts nuclear and quantum particle physics experiments and research, famously having detected and confirmed the reality of the Higgs boson god particle with the Large Hadron Collider -- the FRBs may be an unintended and unsuspected product of this facility or byproduct of this community's work, in which releases of thermonuclear energy, in micro-mass micro-blasts, lasting for punctuated milliseconds, or a discrete millisecond at a time in a series of discrete milliseconds, are ostensibly harmlessly amplified to energy levels comparable to or exceeding several times the energy output of our sun.
In final comment on the number 187.5, in uninformed speculation, maybe it represents the velocity of the neutrino quantum particle in a millisecond, whose explicit speed I have not been able to find on any search engine on the internet but whose speed in recent years has been tracked by CERN to be close to or the closest to the speed of light of anything else in the universe, and maybe it is associated with experiments involving neutrinos at CERN that result in the production of FRBs.
If no activity associated with humans is found to be responsible for the FRBs and top political leaders and science organizations are comfortable with making a careful and well crafted test or experimental exploratory response to the FRBs, the response should simultaneously be both light-spectrum radio waves as well as neutrino beams computer timed and disseminated around the clock in milliseconds, as the FRBs may be a simple tip or symbolic message advising with the number 187.5 that the matching quantum signal source in nature identified with 187.5, such as the speed of light or the speed of neutrino particles per millisecond, from the sender's time-quantifying frame of reference, be used to effectively acknowledge-reply to the sender's FRBs. Radio-telescope reception of a reply should be computer programmed to automatically record the space and time astronomical coordinates of every incoming signal reply. A running global positioning mapping record of the rotating Earth and star constellations relative to the computer radio telescopes should be date-time recorded and continuously saved on cloud computer over the signal send period as well. Were I a billionaire, I would set up such a computer radio telescope at each Earth's north and south poles and in Kenya in Africa, roughly mid-way on one side of Earth, and in Tuvalu in Polynesia, roughly mid-way on the opposite side of Earth, as well as have one to two such radio-telescope satellites in orbit longitudinally around the Earth and one to two such radio-telescope satellites in orbit latitudinally around the Earth, from which I would have them consecutively emit for a whole fortnight in any order strictly signaling light-spectrum radio-wave beams, strictly signaling neutrino beams and strictly signaling x-ray beams in the manner described in the foregoing.
Are Radio-Telescope-Detected FRBs from equivocally Indicated Extragalactic Extraterrestrials or from ETs at CERN, Switzerland?
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